Use Joint Venture to Create Fast Profits

Use Joint Venture to Create Fast Profits

Use Joint Venture to Create Fast Profits

One of the best ways to reach more people in your target products on the Internet without having to do really do anything, other than having a good product, is by creating joint venture partnerships with other businesses.

Joint ventures are the ultimate form of no-risk advertising because your partners do all of the marketing for you in exchange for a share of the profits. You only have to pay when a sale is made.

Joint ventures operate just like your normal affiliate program except that in a normal affiliate program only about 10% -15% of your affiliates will actually do any selling.

These 10% -15 %of your affiliates will account for 85% - 90% of your sales. The other 80% of your affiliates will have sales that trickle in from time to time and some will never make any sales at all.

So, logically, in order to operate a more successful affiliate marketing campaign you need "super affiliates". When we use the term "super affiliates" we are talking about joint venture partners who have the marketing know-how and resources to sell a large volume of your product or service on a consistent basis. These super affiliate joint
venture partners can be defined by three different characteristics:

  • Someone who has a large enough opt in list to sell large volume of your product/service in a short amount of time, such as an e-zine owner.
  • Someone who has a website with heavy monthly traffic that targets the market you desire.
  • Someone in the market place whom consumers trust when it comes to making buying decisions.

The key to more profits and success is to continuously find and recruit these highly productive "super affiliates" to sell your products for you.

Just Before You Begin…

Before you even attempt to go out and put together a joint venture deal you must have an idea of who your perfect partners are. You need to find out who else is selling lots of products similar to yours. You must think like the customers that you want to reach.

  1. Where do your perfect customers go online?
  2. Who is your competition?
  3. Who publishes content to your target market?

Questions like these will often lead you to potential joint venture partners, especially when you consider partnering with your competition. Most business owners believe that competition is a bad thing, and for most businesses it is, unless you find a way to turn your competitors into your partners. Although it seems unlikely, joint venture
partnerships thrive because of competition.

By using the methods outlined in this ebook you will learn how to make almost any competing business a new profit center for you. And although everyone you contact will not be willing to joint venture with you, many of them will.

Many of them will review your joint venture proposal and jump at the opportunity to partner with you when you
apply what you are about to learn.

So let’s get to it…

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  1. Chapter II : Best Tools For JV Partners

    You need to make it as easy as possible for your joint venture partners to make the sale for you. If you already have sales tools for them to use then that certainly make it easier for them to say yes to your joint venture offer.
  2. Chapter III Getting "Super Affiliate" JV Partners

    Many webmasters may also have an opt- in email/e -zine list that they can market your products/services to yet they may not list their e-zine in the directories.
  3. Chapter IV : Smart Strategy To Attrackting Your Potential JV Partners

    One of the main reasons why many online marketers fail to recruit as many joint venture partners as possible is because their offer simply isn’ t good enough.
  4. Chapter V : Recruiting Your Super Affiliates Easily

    Once you have developed a contact list of about ten or more possible super affiliates for your program and you have made your offer as good as it can be you need to begin the actual recruiting process.
  5. Chapter VI: Verry Special Section

    Endorsements… if presented correctly can make you far more profits. If your normal website normally closes and sales 2% of all your visitors you can easily pump it up to 8%-10% with an endorsement offer.
  6. Chapter VII: Revealed JV Secret

    Create a Profit Portfolio. If you plan to do more joint ventures in the future you should keep a portfolio containing all the details of past/current joint venture efforts and references from your partners with their contact info.

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