Building Links For Top Search Engines Rankings

Building Links For Top Search Engines Rankings

Building Links For Top Search Engines Rankings

"Outrank Your Competitors And Make More Sales Using This Ultimate Guide To Building Links For Top Search Engine Rankings"

Finally! Discover The Real Secret To Get Your Site On The Top of The Search Engines!

So, you've built your website and you're ready to take orders.

You stop and think.

"How do I get people to my site?"

The first thing you will probably think of is paying for traffic such as pay-per-click.

It may sound easy but in actual fact you'll probably waste a lot of money from all the testing.

What would be a better way then?

Search engine traffic.

Who wouldn't want free traffic from search engines such as the Big G.

But more specifically, you need to build links.

What Is Link Building And Why Are They Important To Search Engines?

For a long time now search engines have been using links as votes, which represent the web’s opinion on what pages users find relevant and useful based on popularity. 

After years of programming development, the search engines have mastered and refined the use of link data, where complex algorithms are put in place to create a nuanced evaluation of websites based on this information.

Links are not the entirety of SEO, but most search experts agree that huge portions of search engine algorithms are designed around link-based factors.

By using links, the engines can determine a site’s popularity in a specific niche based on the number of pages linked to it and when this information is combined with other metrics like trust and authority, the search engines assign a rank for the website.

Trustworthy sites usually link to other trusted sites while spammy sites get the fewest links from trusted sites and links are a great way to establish the validity of documents on any given subject.

Link building refers to the process of getting external pages on the internet to link to your own website.

The more important and popular a website is, the more the links from that website matter.

A popular site such as Wikipedia has thousands of different websites linking to it which means it’s probably an important and popular site.

In order for you to earn popularity and trust with the search engines, you need assistance from other link partners. The more important the site, the better.

How Do You Get Started With Link Building? 

There really is no "shortcut" or magic pill to getting instant results, but you can learn the methods and tactics to building links the right way.

It's like having your own coach who has years of experience.

That's why I created a special guide I'm going to introduce to you...

Let me present to you...

Ultimate Link Building:
The Ultimate Guide to Building Links For Top Search Engines Rankings 

This really is the ultimate guide to learn how to build links. If you're just starting out or want to further your Internet marketing skills, this is the guide you need to have.

Here's what you'll discover in this guide:

  • Link building basics you need to know before you even begin to build your first link.
  • The importance of links and how it has a big impact in your page rank.
  • The bare essentials you need to know about search engine optimization.
  • 10 proven and effective ways to build backlinks.
  • The difference between black, grey and white hat link building techniques
  • How to avoid being slapped by Google updates such as the Panda and Penguin updates.
  • Creative link building methods you should also implement.
  • Untapped backlink sources to add to your arsenal of links.
  • The future of SEO and link building and what you need to know so your site stands strong and a year, five years and more.
  • ...and much, much more!

Course Intro Video


  1. For a long time now search engines have been using links as votes, which represent the web’s opinion on what pages users find relevant and useful based on popularity.
  2. Chapter 2: Search Engine Optimization Basics You Need To Know

    At its most basic level, SEO is the practice of enhancing and promoting a website in an effort to boost the number of visitors coming through.
  3. By now you know that Google optimization is based on the premise that the more people like a website, the more important and valuable it must be in that niche, and the more it deserves higher rankings.
  4. Chapter 4: The Difference Between Black, Grey and White Hat Link Building Techniques

    Marketers use various techniques for SEO purposes and these can be categorized into one of three techniques: white hat SEO, black hat SEO and gray hat SEO.
  5. Ever heard of the phrase “Google slap”? The phrase has been misused a few times and quite a number of people assume it refers to any perceived punishment by Google such as de-indexing or a drop in rankings but it has nothing to do with that.
  6. Chapter 6: Creative Link Building Techniques

    You can’t compare link building to that painting done by Michaelangelo “The Creation of Adam” on the ceiling at Sistine chapel, but when you consider the makings of good linking, the end result can pass as an art.
  7. Chapter 7: Untapped Backlink Sources

    You might be surprised to know that there are dozens of quality, effective backlink sources which for some strange reason remain completely untapped.
  8. Link building is a challenging feat in 2014 because, among other things, Google is relentless in its pursuit of un-editorial links.

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